I’m sitting outside in what we call the “Beach Cabana,” an idyllic setting for billionaires’ private getaway in the Bahamas. Non-assuming to the real kind of work I do, my client mentions the pain in his neck and asks for me to rub it out.
“Sure,” I say, knowing very well, that “rubbing it out” will not nearly make any kind of remarkable difference. After a few minutes into the session, I ask my client permission to work at a metaphysical level and then explain the pain in his neck: “It is from having invested a lot into a situation, which you now don’t want to be in, and feel that you have to see it through. The internal resistance to being all in, yet in your heart is all out is creating the kink in your neck.”
He explains that that is exactly the case and gives me some further background to the situation.
We follow up with some energetic clear-up, releasing the need for worldly success to be preceded by emotional struggle. We thank his soul for giving him the experience of advancing, by proving his ability to be humble. We then ask for alignment, so that his efforts can be met with emotional engagement and loving intuition to make the right decisions forward.
What, all that just came from a cranial hold?
When we develop our sensitivity beyond the basics of what we see and feel, we do get access to the more subtle forms of expression. Even though the experience is magical, there is no magic there.
The way your body moves through life is so, because of your internal mental/emotional reactions to life. It is therefore pretty palpable to the finely developed touch.
What we do with the information is of course, where the real healing lies, but quite often, simply hearing the reflection back of what is going on in our bodies is very therapeutic by itself.
To find out more, contact me via my website www.kiahealing.com, or keep an eye out for the next Integrative CranioSacral class with me.
Much love